Know About Me

Hello, I am Sayan Maity :) from Hooghly,West Bengal, INDIA. A passionate BCA student at BRAINWARE UNIVERSITY. An enthusiast person of Frontend Development. Recently I have done Web Development internship from Code Alpha. My interst areas are React JS, Databases and SEO. Seeking opportunity to become a Full Stack Web Developer. Fun fact about me I am very funny & cool:)

See My Projects

Responsive Ecomerce Website

This project made in gropu of 4 students where I was in the Frontend Developer, using MERN stack we have build the website. User can view products and if interested to buy some porducts can add to cart then order online.

Library Management System

This is an anothoer Full Stack Project made in the collaboration of Mr. Debasish and Me. We build the project Using PHP and MySQL. I was in development part while my co-developer was in the Backend part. Thats not hosted yet.

Responsive Portfolio Website

I build a Responsive Portfolio using PHP for myself as a virtual documentation of myself. I used to share my Portfolio insead of sharing my Resume. Visit my Portfolio and feel free to put your query.

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